Salut à tous, Si vous souhaitez connaitre les différences de Feature entres les dernières versions de XenApp et PS (ben quoi la 4.0 pour moi c’est encore du PS :)), ce pdf est fait pour vous. Perso je trouve ce doc super pratique, il pourra vous servir lors de présentation ou autres.
Coté features les principales différences entres XenApp 5 (attention en fonction de l’OS il existe aussi quelques différences entre XenApp 5 Windows 2003 et XenApp Windows 2008) et 4.5 sont :
- Isolation 3.0 :
Enables applications to be packaged separately while allowing isolated applications to communicate with one another. Automatically apply updates to a single application to the aggregated profile.
- Special Folder Redirection : (seulement en XenApp 5.0 sous Windows 2008)
Enables special folders such as “My Documents” and “Desktop” to map to an ICA session automatically. The application can ask the operating system where an appropriate location for certain kinds of files can be found, regardless of what version, language or operating system is being used.
- XPS Universal Print Driver : (seulement en XenApp 5.0 sous Windows 2008)
XPS is the new Microsoft XML paper specification supporting next generation of windows applications.
- Preferential Load Balancing : (seulement en XenApp 5.0 sous Windows 2008)
Enables administrators to prioritize a user/group and application based on pre-established requirements. Ensures sessions are appropriately
balanced to provide enhanced user experience.
- RADIUS support for Web Interface :
Enables Web Interface to support any 3rd party 2-factor authentication
product that supports generic RADIUS protocol.
- Kerberos Authentication for Web Interface :
Kerberos simplifies user authentication and reduces logon points while
ensuring logon chain integrity.
- HTTP/s for Streaming :
HTTP support for streamed applications.
Enjoy et bonne lecture ;=)